My stepson’s girlfriend and my wife don’t get on so we’ve never seen their baby – The Sun

My stepson’s girlfriend and my wife don’t get on so we’ve never seen their baby – The Sun


DEAR DEIDRE: WE’VE never seen my stepson’s baby daughter – even though they live across the road.

I’ve been with my wife now for four years. Her son was left his grandmother’s old house.

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He is 26 and his girlfriend is 22. They have a baby girl but my wife and my stepson’s girlfriend have never got on. Anything we have tried to buy for the baby, his girlfriend says: “We’ve already got that,” or “We don’t need that.”

My wife has seen the girl’s mother go into the house for hours on end and even her dad takes the baby out. Yet when my wife asked if she could walk the baby in the pram, she was told: “No, she’s too young.” It’s breaking my wife’s heart. We are both 49.

DEIDRE SAYS: Suggest that your wife asks her son to go for a coffee or a walk with her so she can explain how upsetting this is.

She can emphasise to him how important a child/grandparent relationship is –  just like his was with his grandmother. He shouldn’t let his girlfriend cut him and his child off from his family.

Invite them over for lunch or just for a cup of tea so that you can both meet the baby. You will find understanding through the Grandparents Apart self-help group (, 0141 882 5658).

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