Best Strollers 2019 | The Sun UK

Best Strollers 2019 | The Sun UK


STROLLERS are lightweight and compact buggies for babies, typically a few months old and up, but some can be used from day one (if they have a completely lie-flat seat or newborn insert).

The best strollers are stylish, easy to steer and collapse down with little effort (typically with an umbrella fold).

We’ve picked the best strollers based on our favourites for our own children and the best-reviewed stroller models available.

The best strollers fold down compactly to fit in small flats, houses or the boot of the car. They’re perfect for transporting on holiday.

Lightweight strollers are also brilliant for navigating urban life; you can pop into the shops with a slimline stroller, take it on the bus or Tube, or zig-zag your way into that corner table in your favourite café.

While many parents choose a stroller as a second buggy option, you can also save money by investing in a stroller as your baby’s main pushchair.

Many of the best strollers are more purse-friendly than their bulkier pram and pushchair counterparts: you can find some great sturdy-yet-lightweight models under £100 and a variety of designs for less than £300.

1. Best stroller under £100

  • Little Bird Nanu Stroller, £49 at Mothercare – buy here

Jools Oliver's sweetly printed pushchair for Mothercare offers a lot of features for a low price: a multi-position seat, lightweight frame, adjustable calf rest, rain cover and easy, one-handed recline.

Parents love the stylish unisex design, lie-flat seat and compact umbrella fold.

2. Best stroller for design

  • Woosh Spectroluxe, £149.95 at Cosatto – buy here

This compact from-birth stroller can hold kids up to 25 kg, making it a great-value investment for the first few years.

It's super-practical thanks to a one-hand concertina fold and kids like the roomy seat.

There's also a decent-size storage basket – all in a lightweight frame.

A double-tiered UPF 100+ hood provides ample sun protection and kids love the colourful design (and playing with the bell).

Parents love how it folds away easily in the car boot and how easily it manoeuvres around public transport.

The only issue parents have with it is the rain cover, which is a bit fiddly, although it does get bonus points for the matching print trim.

3. Best ultra-lightweight stroller

  • Quinny Yezz 3, £175 at Mothercare – buy here

Weighing in at 5.6 kilos, this ultra-light Quinny is easy to push, easy to fold (just push a button and it folds down) and can be carried over your shoulder.

It features an unusual, comfortable hammock seat, a storage pocket and an ergonomic handle.

With a non-reclining seat and no extras ( the rain cover needs to be purchased separately), it works well as a travel buggy or one that goes on bus journeys.

4. Best stroller for flights

  • Nano V2 stroller, £195 at John Lewis – buy here

Fans of Mountain buggies love the brand's handlebars and how beautifully these strollers steer.

The lightweight Nano V2 – another stroller weighing sub-6kg – doesn't disappoint, with an ultra-compact folding mechanism and universal car seat adapters, making it ideal for travel.

It's suitable for newborn use (just purchase the separate newborn cocoon).

Parents rave that it's a "game changer," "perfect for air travel," "a lifesaver for travel" and "exceptionally functional" for everyday urban life.

5. Best everyday stroller

  • Maclaren Techno XT, £194.48 at Amazon – buy here

We love the Maclaren Techno XT because it's lightweight yet rugged.

An everyday stroller that can survive the beatings of daily life (public transport, toddler tantrums, being squeezed into the tightest of spaces) – not surprising, considering that it's made from aircraft-grade aluminium.

This design is suitable from birth (there's even a built-in Newborn Safety System), with four recline positions, an extendable leg rest, head and shoulder pads and foot-operated linked brakes, which all serve to make parents' lives easier.

Parents also like how the seat offers plenty of room for growing children, as well as the trusted brand name, classic design and sturdy quality.

6. Best stroller with extendable hood

  • BabyStyle Oyster Zero Stroller (pepper), £249 at Amazon – buy here

The BabyStyle Oyster Zero looks sleek and stylish and wins points for clever design, like the extra-large, silent extendable hood with flip-out sun visor.

Looks big and spacious, yet folds down small.

Parents like that it's a compact stroller offering the comforts of a larger pushchair, and that it can handle a variety of terrains.

They also like that it's great value for money.

7. Best under-4kg stroller

  • Chicco OHlaLa' Stroller, £99.99 at Mothercare – buy here

This ultra-light 3.8kg stroller is an award-winning design that surprises parents with its sturdy frame.

It can be folded one-handed and has a near-flat recline (suitable for little ones but not ideal for newborns).

It's perfect for someone who lives in a flat, needs to go up stairs regularly, is often on public transport or does a lot of travelling.

The sub-£100 price tag doesn't hurt, either.

Enjoyed our selection of the best strollers? We’re all about helping you find the best products at the best prices, so follow the link if you want to check out more of Sun Selects’ recommendations.

Need some more parenting supplies? We've got a whole parenting section for you to browse.

Prefer pushchairs to strollers? Check out the best pushchairs on the market, right here.

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