This company is making it easy for kids to practice sports while social distancing

This company is making it easy for kids to practice sports while social distancing


Soccer season in New York City is just around the corner but, chances are, it’s going to look a little bit different this year. With social distancing measures, kids might not get the same amount of practice or personal coaching attention they need to really improve their game. Instead, they’ll need to practice on their own time to reach their goals, something that’s easier said than done in a city apartment.

Fortunately, a couple of Brooklyn natives came up with an elegant solution: DribbleUp.

DribbleUp makes Smart Soccer Balls and Basketballs (and Medicine Balls for adults) that use cutting-edge computer vision technology. Pair the Smart Ball with the DU app and your smartphone camera will track your Smart Ball while you practice by dribbling through sets of virtual targets. The app comes with a ton of on-demand expert-led drills and lessons to help kids and adults alike hone their skills and improve their handle. You only need about six feet of space to take advantage of the classes.

If your kid wants to take their game to the next level, you can opt for DU Live. For $9.99/month, you’ll get access to daily live classes broadcasted directly from DU studios featuring pro soccer or basketball trainers. This way, you can set a practice schedule that’s easy for kids to follow and that fits into their daily routine — especially if they’re spending more time at home during virtual school. (You can try DU Live free for 30 days.)

If you’re looking for a fun way to keep your kids engaged while going to school from home or to help them stay on track with their athletic goals, DribbleUp Smart Balls offer a unique solution. Head on over to their website to read more information and see purchasing details.

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