Skincare Company Also Runs Rescue Full of Inspiring Animals that Employees Help Care For

Skincare Company Also Runs Rescue Full of Inspiring Animals that Employees Help Care For


FarmHouse Fresh has been serving “really delicious skincare” online, at spas and in stores for 15 years, but animals have always been at the heart of the business.

FarmHouse Fresh’s founder, Shannon McLinden, has always been an animal lover and rescuer, her sister-in-law, Delia McLinden, who is the company’s vice president and head of sales, used to work for one of the largest no-kill animal shelters in the country, so when they started making products for people, they knew cute critters needed to be involved too. 

“Our pillars are growth, spa, and rescue, which is unique for the spa industry. We feel very close to animals and believe they are part of healing and wellness,” Shannon told PEOPLE. “Right now, we are at our ranch. It took four years to find the perfect property where we custom-built our headquarters.” 

Part of the reason this search took so long was due to the ranch’s future residents. Five years ago, the McLinden’s added an animal rescue to their company, located McKinney, Texas. The carefully chosen location for FarmHouse Fresh’s headquarters is now home to a stunning, massive two-story white barn that serves as the business epicenter of the company, several growhouses for the rotating microgreens that go into the company’s products, and, most important, the headquarters is home to lots of animals who need a little extra love.

“We are super hands-on. We work with the cruelty division of the SPCA of Texas and the North Texas Humane Society,” Shannon said of FarmHouse Fresh’s rescue work. “We try to to take some of their most difficult cases, the animals that need vet care on a constant basis. And we’re out their actually taking care of the animals and administering medicines. Almost all of them have some kind of funky, unique food that we make ourselves.” 

“It is absolutely the most rewarding thing we ever set out to do,” she added. 

If you work at FarmHouse Fresh, you better be an animal lover. Along with helping to care for all the animals at the company’s headquarters, employees usually spend their lunch breaks feeding the rescue’s residents instead of themselves.

FarmHouse Fresh’s generosity isn’t limited to the donkeys, goats, chickens, horses, ponies and pigs in their care. The company also helps cover local shelters’ microchipping and adoption fees, so shelters pets are more likely to find a homes.

“The whole rescue component is really authentically ingrained  in our company,” Delia said. “Several years ago, when we were volunteering in a local shelter, we noticed that all of the animals were sleeping on cold, concrete floors” 

Instead of forgetting about the issue, FarmHouse Fresh started the Dog Bed Fairy program.

“We created this book, the book tells about how, if you were a shelter dog, you would feel when received your very first bed. It’s a funny, heartwarming book. We sell them on the website and through our partners, and the proceeds go towards buying shelter dogs beds. We have outfitted many shelters across the country with tens of thousands of beds,” Delia explained. 

What perhaps is the most heartwarming part of this entire experience for Delia and Shannon, is seeing how their clients react to the animal welfare initiatives they have continued to add to FarmHouse Fresh.

“We weren’t sure it would resonate with our customer base, but we’ve found that being able to do something for animals, especially when there are humans who can be so cruel to them, really resonates in the hearts of our customers. We get really amazing emails from people who are so appreciative of what we do,” Shannon said. 


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