Ladies, next time you’re in the loo, resist the urge

Ladies, next time you’re in the loo, resist the urge


We’re lucky to get such good weather. I’ve shivered until my teeth chattered at the 'G before. But that’s all part of the love of the game, right? Go Bombers!

Today, though, it’s warm after a week of rain, and we decide to walk to the game. We join the parade of punters making their way along Clarendon Street and Fitzroy Gardens toward the MCG. The streets are a moving mass of team colours, and red-and-black scarves and hats stream toward the stadium from every direction.

Why are the lines to the women’s always so long?Credit:New York Times

We’ve got great seats, and the Bombers make a massive comeback in the second half. It’s been an ideal Saturday afternoon. I look over at our daughter. She smiles a toothy grin. I’m about a beer away from needing to use the restroom, but I’m trying to hold out until the final quarter when the bathroom lines won’t be so long.

Of course, my mind-reading child foils my plan and announces at the buzzer, “Mum, I’ve gotta pee! It’s coming out any minute!” So, I scramble into panic mode and shove her through the crowds. And sure enough, there’s a line for the toilets that’s 30-people deep.

We take our place at the end, and the whining begins. Which drives me nuts. And, oddly, increases my need to pee as well. Resisting the urge to lecture her in public on how a seven-year-old should know how to monitor her bodily functions better and not hold it until it’s an emergency, I instead ask her to sing some songs.

This I quickly regret. With a captive audience like this line of women, I should’ve known she would go for maximum impact. She not only starts singing, but also dancing provocatively, to a rap song by Post Malone, an artist who doesn’t shy away from a swear word. I manage to jump in just before the first F-bomb and change course. “Let’s do your times tables,” I say. She hops from foot to foot, “Mum, I’ve really gotta go!”

Meanwhile, men are coming and going from their toilets in a quick, steady flow, and the term “penis envy” comes to mind.

“Muuuuuum!” Her upturned face is red. She looks like she’s about to pop.

“What do you think Lamby is doing right now?” I ask, an attempt at distraction. Lamby is a favourite stuffed animal; we often pass the time in doctors’ offices or waiting for the tram by surmising what mischief Lamby is getting up to while we’re not home.

She’s not having it. Fortunately, we’ve reached the bathroom door, and this gives her hope. I count eight women ahead of us now. Two guys come out of the men’s toilets nearby, and I hear one say, “Why is the girl’s line always so long?”

No kidding. Clearly there’s different biology involved, but sitting down to pee can’t increase overall toilet time this drastically, can it?

Finally we’re inside. Still three women ahead of us.

“Mum, can I just go in the sink?!”
“No!” I gasp, mortified that the other women there might think peeing in the sink is a regular occurrence in our house!
“Like the boys do.”
“Boys don’t pee in the sink, sweetheart.”
“Yes they do. Like at Dad’s office. I’ve seen them in the bathroom.”
“Those things. The sinks on the wall. Men pee in them. I’ve really gotta go!”
“Those are urinals,” I say, “They’re not sinks. And why were you in the men’s room at Dad’s office?”

But then a stall opens, and my daughter darts in. I notice the young girl who comes out: handbag over shoulder, phone in hand. Screen alight. I wait my turn, fidgeting. Another stall opens. Another woman comes out. She puts her phone into her handbag as she walks to the sink to wash her hands.

I take the stall and do my business, and it hits me: modern technology. It’s afforded us yet another way to be thoughtless and self-indulgent at the expense (and discomfort) of others.

Why are the lines to the women’s always so long? Because women are using public toilet stalls as private telephone booths. Texting, scrolling through Instagram, Facebooking, playing Angry Birds, ordering shoes, I don’t know! But they’re in there sitting on their phones, finishing their text or their post long after they’ve finished their business. Most importantly, they’re being hugely inconsiderate to the rest of us who need to use the toilet for the purpose it was designed for.

I don’t want to be the toilet police, and I know there’re already heaps of signs in the stalls about how to properly sit on the toilet and where to put your this and that, but maybe we do need a sign in the public toilets that makes it clear that it’s just plain rude to use your phone in there. And gross. I mean, come on.

So ladies, let’s play nice and think about our team. The other side might have the advantage when it comes to speedy bathroom breaks, but surely we can be the more civilised sex and resist toilet-time entertainment, thoughtful enough not to keep our fellow-woman tap-dancing in line waiting for you to “check-in” from the restrooms at the 'G.

Aubrey Perry is a Melbourne writer.

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