Daily horoscope for September 21: YOUR star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast

Daily horoscope for September 21: YOUR star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast


Saturday, September 21 sees an exact aspect between Venus and Neptune. This Square between these planets is one of the week’s most important aspects. Both of these planets are the two rulers of the Pisces star sign and modern astrology also considers these planets to also rule Sagittarius.

This is the third time we have experienced this aspect, with the first occurring in January and the other at the beginning of the summer and this instance is the final time it will takes place.

This Square is actually a challenging aspect, but this does not necessarily mean anything bad will take place

MarStars Astrology’s Marina Stoichkova

Gas giant Jupiter is 17 degrees in Sagittarius while Neptune is 17 degrees in Pisces.

Marina Stoichkova, an astrologer from MarStars Astrology, believes these planets are extremely strong because they are both in the star signs they feel the most comfortable.

She said: “This allows them to truly represent everything they control.

“This Square is actually a challenging aspect, but this does not necessarily mean anything bad will take place.

“It means there needs to be a change or a requirement to work harder for something.

“When Jupiter and Neptune combine, things might become extremely exaggerated.”

The MarStars Astrology expert thinks Saturday will consequently be a great time to practice meditation.

“You can use this period to think about your goals and what you would like to change.

“Identity where are the areas where you can potentially improve – and just go for it.”

The Moon is in the Gemini star sign on Saturday.

Ms Stoichkova believes this makes Saturday is a great time for socialising.

She said: “This is a day for spending time with friends, reading a book or researching something.

“And it is also a fantastic time for learning new things.”

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