4 Zodiac Signs Who Aren’t Confrontational In Relationships & Just Want To Get Along

4 Zodiac Signs Who Aren’t Confrontational In Relationships & Just Want To Get Along


How comfortable are you with confronting issues head on with your partner? Do you tend to address the problem right away? Maybe you prefer to just brush it off. Or perhaps you tend to quietly hold onto it until you finally can’t hold back anymore. If either of the latter two scenarios are resonating with you, there is a good chance that you’re one of the zodiac signs who aren’t confrontational in relationships because you just want to get along.

Some signs seek to avoid conflict because they just really want to keep the peace and pick and choose their battles carefully, while others just have a harder time feeling comfortable expressing negative emotions and tend to hold them in until they can’t anymore. This is why, if you happen to be dating any of these signs, one way to help them to be seen and appreciated is to be on the lookout for more subtle clues that they have something on their mind, and offer them the opportunity to express themselves safely without it feeling like a big argument. That’s because even if you don’t like conflict, being open about issues with your partner is an important form of communication and can lead to more emotional intimacy. With that in mind, here are the signs that avoid conflict whenever possible.


Despite being very sensitive, Cancer tends to struggle with speaking what’s on their mind. Chances are, they have been accused of being overly emotional in the past and so to avoid that they hold onto their feelings, turning them over and over in their claws until they can’t anymore. While their hearts are in the right place, as they were just trying to keep the peace, it can feel as though it came out of nowhere to their partners. So, as always, treat your Cancer partner with compassion and empathy so they feel safe speaking up sooner when something is on their mind.


For Libra, peace and harmony are incredibly important in a relationship, which is why they tend to just brush things off as much as possible rather than fight it out over every little thing. Besides, their belief in fairness means they try and see everything from the other person’s side. For the most part this works for an easygoing sign like Libra, but small issues can accumulate over time. When the relationship feels as though it’s getting further and further out of balance, Libra will eventually need to reset the scales by having it out with their partner.


Easygoing Aquarius just doesn’t really “do” confrontation. If they have something to say, they will speak up, but only if they think it’s going to have a resolution; They aren’t going to argue for the sake of arguing. If anything, they are more likely to detach and remove themselves from the situation. This is a sign with a humanitarian heart whose worldview is more macro, so small sleights seem petty to Aquarius, who would rather brush them off than engage.


Pieces’ connection to Neptune gives this sign an almost psychic ability to intuit the feelings of those around them. They know how others are feeling and can adjust their behavior to meet others’ needs, which makes them an incredible partner. The downside is that overt confrontation sounds very loud and uncomfortable to this sign, who is so skilled at picking up on more subtle signs of how their partner is feeling.

Listen, confrontation can be really uncomfortable for anyone, but especially these signs who tend to play things close to the vest. So, if you’re dating one, now you know to be on the lookout for clues that they have something on their mind. That way, you can help to draw them out in a way that is appropriate, compassionate, and likely to produce the best result for you both.

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