17 Tweets About Olaf’s Height In ‘Frozen 2’ That’ll Make You Scream Forever

17 Tweets About Olaf’s Height In ‘Frozen 2’ That’ll Make You Scream Forever


A lot of adults love Disney movies because of all the warm and fuzzy feelings they evoke. They’re filled with bright colors, cheery music, and happy endings. That’s part of the reason Frozen and Frozen 2 are so popular among audiences of all ages. However, fans recently learned some disturbing info about one of the movie series’ characters. Apparently, Olaf is way bigger than anyone thought, clocking in at a bizarrely human-sized 5-feet-4-inches tall. These tweets about Olaf’s height in Frozen 2 highlight the sheer horror of this big, big revelation.

Olaf is the same size as a full-grown adult human. Just let that sink in for a moment. The playful little Disney sidekick, whose head barely grazes the waistlines of his (supposedly) human friends, is 5-feet-4-inches tall. One fan shared this fact on Twitter, and ever since, the internet has not been the same. There are fans who are shocked to realize Olaf is even taller than they are. Then there are the ones who are wondering what the implications of this gigantic height are for Elsa, Anna, and the rest of the Frozen gang. And then there are those fans who are simply celebrating Olaf in all his very tall glory.

The evidence that Olaf is 5-feet-4-inches tall comes from a detail in a Frozen story in which Olaf measures his own height. But, a lot of fans are taking this height with a grain of salt and insisting the Olaf must have measured wrong.

The fan investigations haven’t stopped there. Other fans are even comparing Olaf to other characters from outside the Frozen universe to try to gain some better perspective. Honestly, it still doesn’t make sense, but some charts do help illustrate his massive height.

There’s a lot about Olaf’s height that really doesn’t add up, so this investigation is likely far from over. I know just the image of a human-sized Olaf will haunt me for a long time. If you need to get some more firsthand evidence, Frozen is currently streaming on Disney+ and Frozen 2 is in theaters now.

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