We Handpicked the David Rose Sweater That Speaks to Your Zodiac Sign

We Handpicked the David Rose Sweater That Speaks to Your Zodiac Sign


We Handpicked the David Rose Sweater That Speaks to Your Zodiac Sign

Like Alexis’s heels or Moira’s legendary wig collection, David Rose’s sweater collection became an integral part of his Schitt’s Creek character. Hell, he sported them through the sticky Schitt’s Creek summers and never sacrificed personal style for details like the weather or criticism from people (ahem, Stevie) who couldn’t quite appreciate his unique fashion sense. No matter — we can. In fact, we like to think there’s a little something for everyone in David’s sweater collection, or every zodiac sign to be exact. So, which of David’s sweaters speaks to your star sign? We did the research and found your perfect match so you don’t have to go hunting around the Blouse Barn, because, ew.

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