Dementia: How Barbara Windsor showed Boris Johnson the true scale of illness

Dementia: How Barbara Windsor showed Boris Johnson the true scale of illness


Hours after taking up office in July Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised to address the growing horror of those suffering from Alzheimer’s with a “clear plan to give every older person the dignity and security they deserve”. But it was not until he met dementia-stricken Dame Barbara Windsor that he realised the true scale of the social care crisis, according to Jeremy Hughes, the chief executive of Alzheimer’s Society. 

In his only interview since announcing he is leaving the charity after ten years at the helm, Mr Hughes told the Daily Express: “When I sat there with Barbara and Boris in the garden at Number 10 last month I think he thought it was an easy thing to fix. 

“And he started his conversation with a bit of bluster saying, ‘Oh it’s all right, we have put £1billion in, it will all be sorted’. 

“I said, ‘Prime Minister your £1billion only props up a failing system. It doesn’t deal with the hundreds of thousands of people who are currently paying for their own care, it just stops social services-funded care from collapsing completely’. 

“He was absolutely emphatic by the time we had finished that conversation. He was saying to Barbara, ‘Don’t worry, I am going to sort this out’. And I think he genuinely believes he is going to. The problem is it is more complicated than he thought.” 

Alzheimer’s Society ambassador Dame Barbara, 82, and her husband Scott Mitchell, 56, below, who has become her carer since her devastating diagnosis in 2014, have become champions for millions across the UK who are struggling to cope with spiralling care costs and the crippling burden of looking after loved ones struck down with incurable diseases such as Alzheimer’s. 

At the heart of the injustice is that dementia, unlike cancer, is not classed as a terminal illness so there is no state support. 

It means millions who have assets of at least £23,000 are forced to fully fund their care. 

In many cases it means families having to sell their homes to fund astronomical care home fees. 

Mr Hughes, 60, said: “The number of people who call our dementia helpline and say, ‘I have just discovered my mum or dad has got to go into a care home and it’s not paid for’ is incredible. And even when it is paid for there are additional costs. 

“There was a moment in the conversation where Boris turned to his officials and said, ‘We need to do something more about this’. 

“My understanding from talking to officials is that he has been getting them to work flat out to try to develop the detail.” 

Mr Hughes’s father Martyn had dementia and was cared for by his mother Mary, and he has seen first hand the toll the disease takes on those least able to cope. 

“My mum was his prime carer – and actually died before he did. She just got burnt out.” 

Mr Hughes remembers an early meeting of the Dementia Action Alliance, which the then health secretary Andrew Lansley attended. 

“He was doing all the usual guff and then this man stood up and said: ‘My mum has cancer and gets treated on the NHS and my dad has dementia and doesn’t. Why?’ It was such a beautifully simple question and there was no wriggle room. And Lansley didn’t have an answer because there is no logic. 

“I also spent a couple of days living in a care home recently because I wanted to see what it was like. I was in the manager’s office and there was a woman who had been discharged from hospital. With 48 hours notice she was told she had to go into a care home. 

“She arrived with her daughter before they showed her the room someone said, ‘Hello Mrs Smith, welcome. Now I know you are getting assistance from the local council but your dementia care costs £157 a week more than your funding. So how do you want to pay – is it by direct debit?” 

Research commissioned by the charity shows families are now paying £2.4billion a year for dementia care but the cost to the economy of people forced to give up work to become carers stands at £3.3billion. 

Last year the charity committed £36million to fund 200 dementia research projects. 

It has also ploughed £50million into the world-leading Dementia Research Institute in London where 700 scientists are working to find a cure. 

Mr Hughes said: “I do believe that in the next five years we will start finding treatments that work and that will be a lifesaver, literally, for millions. 

“We are now doing research into an early diagnosis test. You probably start developing Alzheimer’s in your 40s and 50s even though you have no symptoms until your 60s or 70s. 

“You can’t send everyone at the age of 40 for an MRI scan, but if we can develop a blood test that indicates whether you are likely to develop dementia then you can start realistically developing a drug treatment that stops it advancing.” 

Alzheimer’s Society celebrates its 40th anniversary on November 6. 

For the first ten years, the charity was simply about care and support but in 1990 it began funding research.

In 2000 it started developing government strategy and in 2012 it launched the Dementia Friends programme. 

“I suspect we will still be here in 40 years time but what we will be doing is different. We might have found effective treatments but a battle we will have to face is when we get a treatment we have got to persuade the NHS to pay for it. 

“On cancer, HIV/Aids and heart disease, we now have treatments that enable people to live a better quality of life. But not with dementia. And every year the numbers are going up because we have an ageing population. It is a global crisis. 

“It is the number one health concern in older people because it has no treatment and it is the disease that is costing people a fortune. If we don’t tackle it now, we will have what we had with HIV/Aids – a global epidemic. 

“One of the things the Daily Express has done is create a public mood that this is something we have to talk about, this has to be on the agenda. We all need to keep it in the public eye.” 

As Alzheimer’s Society celebrates its 40th anniversary the charity is urging readers to mark the momentous day by uniting against dementia now at 

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