13 Fashion Trends We’d Like To Leave Behind In 2019

13 Fashion Trends We’d Like To Leave Behind In 2019


When it comes to fashion, nothing is ever really new. It’s basically one massive tilt-a-whirl of trends that, much like the beloved carnival ride, can be fun ― and can also make you a little queasy.

As 2019 comes to a close, we’re focused on the latter: Trends that made waves this year that we’d like to, er, Marie Kondo before the sun rises on 2020.

Some trends gained popularity this year, while others that infiltrated the zeitgeist in years past continue to linger like a holiday guest long past their welcome.

Below, 13 trends we’d like to leave behind in 2019.

Teeny, Tiny Sunglasses

Rihanna can do no wrong, but we’d still prefer a larger lens. Tiny sunglasses stuck around this year at runway shows and on celebs alike, some more offensive than others, all seemingly ineffective in providing sun protection.

Teenier, Tiny Purses

Lizzo carried a bag she called “big enough for my f**ks to give” to the American Music Awards in Los Angeles on Nov. 24. An iconic moment, sure, but for us mere mortals, they’re just not practical ― especially as our phones seem to just keep getting bigger and bigger.


Not even remotely close to a new trend, but seemingly unwavering in their popularity, corsets popped up all over the place this year. Our organs are quivering just looking at this photo of Bella Hadid.

Low-Rise Pants

The Cut launched a “countdown” to low-rise jeans at the end of 2018, and in some ways its manifestation came true ― much to the dismay of many a Twitter user. If you ask us (and another article in The New Yorker), high-rise still reigns supreme.

Massive Bags

Fashionista editor-in-chief Tyler McCall tweeted it best: “You come on the subway during rush hour in this Moschino bag and we’re gonna fight.” They’re the ultimate carry-all, but for the sake of our backs we’d prefer to leave this one back(pack) in 2019.

Heavy Branding

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One particularly egregious aspect of the return of ‘90s style is designers’ affinity for splashing logos all over everything they make. We’ve seen it a ton, from Fendi and Chanel alike, seen here in Kylie Jenner’s two-piece outfit that literally spells it out.


Despite the nod to Princess Diana and the popularity of patchwork on the runway, we still can’t get behind the look, seen here on FKA Twigs.

Bike Shorts Posing As Regular Shorts

They’re called bike shorts for a reason ― to wear when you are biking. Another acceptable use is to prevent chafing under dresses in the summer. Don’t let any Kardashian tell you otherwise.

Fuzzy Sandals

Pick. A. Lane. They look comfortable, but we have to draw the line somewhere. When are we even supposed to wear these? When it’s hot? When it’s cold? When we’ve already stopped getting pedicures for the season? No thanks.


We’ll take a full hat instead, please.

The Wet Hair Look

Can we all agree that the amount of time it takes to achieve hair that looks like you have just gotten out of the shower is not worth it in 2020? What say you, Kim Kardashian?

Juicy Sweatsuits

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Athleisure: Yes. Clothes with the word “Juicy” splayed across them: No thank you!

Fuzzy Hats

We’re still getting used to the bucket hat trend. Now we have to wrap our brains around (and in) neon green fur, too?

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